Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What I Love about Mondays

It seems strange to be posting about Monday on Tuesday, but I'm doing it all the same.

Mondays are a day for housework, etc. in the Powell house. And one of my favorite things *sung, of course, in my Maria voice* is cleaning my room.

It makes me feel bright and sunny to see my room freshly dusted and organized! And it must be done every week, for - if you are like me, you spend TONS of time in your room, and everything quickly becomes topsy-turvy.
Isn't it nice to have a place for everything and everything in its place?
Though, a "place for everything" can always be improved...
I can't wait until some of my organizational baskets come in the mail. More organizational posts to come!


  1. Mum recently pulled "Home Comforts" back off the shelf and we've been mulling over the idea that bedrooms should be the *cleanest* rooms in the entire house. After all, no matter how many hours you spend awake in them, the amount of time you spend sleeping in them is enough to make it worthwhile to keep them very tidy. After all, when you're sleeping, you're breathing in the dust and dirt around you.

    More motivation to keep rooms well organized so they are easy to clean! They also look so much nicer and are more inviting that way! Looking forward to your organizational posts as it's never been a strength of mine...

  2. Laura, any pointers on where to find all those lovely bookshelves?

  3. Hi Mrs. Kincell, as I mentioned previously... the bookshelves on either side of my bed were purchased from target. The others I'm not sure about... but my mom did recently show me a flyer for Sam's club, and they had some nice shelves. :O)
