Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through"

Soap-Making is back again... At last, the girls and I got together to french mill our homemade soap.
Our plan? To make coffee soap and lavender soap. The first step? Grate several bars of soap.
Add coffee and heat. It churned up "light and frothy." Which wasn't supposed to happen... apparently.
But we poured it into the mold...
And set it outside to harden.
Next, we tried lavender soap. It churned up "light and frothy" too. Ugh.
Despite this, Kelsie diligently scooped out lavender soap into the mold.
While the soap turned out squishy, it still is good for washing hands. And the lavender is pretty. There's always a silver lining, yeah?
We'll definitely have to try again sometime.


  1. Maybe next time we try this it will turn out a little better... not so squishy. :o)

  2. The longer our french milled soap sits, the harder it's getting. It's still not what I expected, but I am relieved that it's usable!

  3. I used to have a small business making hand-crafted soaps and lotions. I made Lavender, Coffee, used Shea Butter, everything from scratch (lye and oils). But I never french-milled my soaps. I bet they are luxurious!
