Friday, April 13, 2012

I've been given:

Two Blog Awards! Thanks Ana & Emily!

What's the Scoop?
1. Post these rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions the tagger asked you
4. Tag three more fellow bloggers.
5. Go to their blogs and tell them they've been tagged
11 Random Things:
1. Orange toe-nail polish is my favorite toe-nail polish.
2. I love to study.
3. Especially literature, theology, history, and economics.
4. I'm a presuppositionalist.
5. So, Van Til is my hero.
6. Owls are my new fad.
7. I think graphic novels can be entertaining.
8. Les Mis & The Hunger Games top my current playlist. Or "Life After Death & Taxes" by Relient K.
9. In my 18 years of education, I have dabbled in five languages. Some, more than dabbled.
10. I like hats, but they don't always like me.
11. Driving with the windows down is the tops.

Ana's Questions:
1. What do you want to do with your life when you're an adult? Like, job and stuff?
Since I am an adult, I would say that if God grants me a family of my own, I want to serve them as a wife and mother - home educating and managing our home. But, if I remain single, I am blessed and excited to continue working for my father, serving my church, and glorifying God in my various jobs.

2. What's your favorite band?
Celtic Thunder? I've seen them in concert twice.

3. Where's your favorite place?
My Room.

4. What's your FAVORITE thing to do?

5. What do you do to vent?
Talk to my family or friends. Though in general, I try not to vent.

6. Favorite sport.

7. Favorite holiday?
My Birthday?

8. If you had one super power, what would it be?
Flight? No, super-speed. Imagine the reading I could accomplish!

9. Do you like writing?
Sometimes, depending on the subject. I am NOT a creative writer. I need a concrete subject.

10. Winter or summer?

11. What instruments do you play?

Emily's Questions
1. What are your least-hated and most-hated household jobs? (example: taking out the garbage, cleaning the catbox... Yuck....)
Least-hated: Organization. In fact, I LOVE it. Most-hated: Toilets.

2. What Bible verse is your favorite, and why?
I don't have a favorite, but I do love this one: After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, "Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your very great reward." Genesis 15: 1 This verse reminds me that we will enjoy God forever. He is our reward - thanks to the work of Christ.

3. Do you have a school subject that doesn't feel like school because you enjoy it so much? (Feel free to say no!) What is it?
English! Literature! Economics! History! Um... Yeah, I'm a nerd.

4. If you were kidnapped and dropped on a desert island, what one thing would you want to have with you? I'm really interested in this one... :D
A bookshelf - filled with books including my Bible.

5. Do you think that it's kidnapped or kidnaped?

6. What's your love language?
Not something I care to share online. :)

7. Do you like moonlight or sunlight better?
Depends on my mood.

8. What impossible/ridiculous thing have you always wanted to do?
Um... Act in MECHE skits?!

My Questions:
1. Science Fiction or Fantasy?
2. Batman or Superman?
3. Action or Drama?
4. What's your favorite genre of music?
5. Favorite day of the week?
6. TV or Movie?
7. Lord of the Rings or Chronicles of Narnia?
8. Philosophy or Science?
9. What is your current favorite hymn?

I'm breaking the last rule. I'm only tagging Kelsie from Sailboats and Circle Skirts.

Picture Credit: Google Search