Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year! (A little early...)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is almost inconceivable that 2012 has arrived. To celebrate, I'm sharing a fun, upbeat, jelly-bean music video. Enjoy! And don't forget to remember God's wonderful, preserving providence as you ring in the New Year. =)


  1. Happy New Year, La! I <3 the song, but haven't seen this video... you'll have to show me sometime. :o)

  2. I love that video! It's amazing to think she did all those background shots with jellybeans! Happy New Year to you too:D

  3. I want to know if anybody actually eats the jelly beans after they've been used for that. I mean, you can't tell me that they ALL get eaten, because nobody likes the black ones. Nobody.
