Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lunch with Ana

Ana and Me
Not two months ago, I had the pleasure of having lunch with a young lady for whom I had babysat. And this month, I was able to have lunch with her sister. YAY!
We weren't sure what to eat, but we finally settled on the pitas. Yummy! And Ana hadn't tried these pitas before. In case you're interested...the verdict came in favor of the pita. :O)
And I, of course, couldn't resist a soda. "My one weakness."
Owl Jewelry
After lunch, we browsed several shops. A boutique, a pet store, and a children's shop. Isn't it funny how popular owls are now? I <3 it.
During the shopping leg of our expedition, we each found treasures. Ana purchased a key necklace. (Maybe you'll wear it next time I see you?) And I bought a "popper." More on that later.
And what would a shopping trip be without books? A little less bright, I assure you.
What a delight is to see these girls grow up into young ladies with whom I am blessed to be friends.

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