Friday, August 5, 2011

Book List 2011: June

Summer is not a good time for reading - at least for me. :( Bummer. Between vacations, church camp, VBS, house sitting, family visits, and all the other fun, fabulous activities, my reading suffers. Suffers BADLY. Yikes!

June 2011
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
*Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver by E.L. Konigsburg

*With parental supervision

Picture Credit: Google Image Search


  1. Did Ineke lend you the last one?

  2. Unfortunately I'm not reading enough this summer, either... I need to read 46 books before the end of the month! Well, I'm trying! :o)

  3. I haven't even heard of these. :-O Good to have you back on Blogger, btw!

  4. I never knew it when I read Fahrenheit 451 in high school, but it's a brilliant piece of social commentary that reminds us that the society that stops reading its classics becomes shallow and hyper-emotional. Sad that Michael Moore never picked up on that very conservative message.

  5. I was with you when you were reading the first two! :) So now that it's August, where's your July list?

    Miss you, chummy! Been prayin' for you all and hoping to see you soon!

  6. @Amy, she did!

    @Kelsie, Come on, girlie! You can do it. :D

    @Tricia, Thanks! It's good to be back.

    @Bobby, Fahrenheit 451 is AMAZING. Nuff' said.

    @Kiri, it's coming soon. I promise. Miss you too! At least we'll see each other this weekend!
