"Now the position of Calvinism is diametrically opposed to [religion for the sake of man.] It does not deny that religion has also its human and subjective side; it does not not dispute the fact that religion is promoted, encouraged and strengthened by our disposition to seek help in time of need and spiritual elevation in the face of sensual passions; but it maintains that it reverses the proper order of things to seek, in these accidental motives, the essence and the very purpose of religion. The Calvinist values all of these as fruits which are produced by religion, or as props which gave it support, but he refuses to honor them as the reason for its existence. Of course, religion, as such, produces also a blessing for man, but it does not exist for the sake of man. It is not God who exists for the sake of His creation; the creation exists for the sake of God. For, as the Scripture say, He has created all things for Himself." Abraham Kuyper in Lectures on Calvinism (45).
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Wouldn't exactly call myself a Calvinist, but to speak facebookeese "Like". :)