Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Book List 2011

I've decided to keep a record of all the books I read this year. Whoot! Hence, as I finish books in my "stack," the titles will make their way here. A little theology, a bit of history, a few of English lit., some children's fiction, maybe a little philosophy(?) should all be in this blog post by the end of 2011. And maybe, just maybe, I'll actually review some of them.

Perhaps you have recommendations for me? I'm always in the hunt for more good books. And I would love to hear what's in your personal "stack(s)"!

January 2011
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Asking for Trouble by Sandra Byrd
Pegasus Bridge by Stephen Ambrose
Fighting the Good Fight by D.G. Hart & John Muether
God Knows My Size by Harvey Yoder

Picture Credit: Google image search


  1. This is a really good idea! Just so I have it right: do I have to keep coming back to this post to see the progress you're making? Or will you style your book list something like Becca (http://beccaflowershopgirl.blogspot.com/2010/12/november-book-list.html)?

  2. You read the Asking For Trouble series?
    Did Ineke suggest them? :P
    She lent them to us, but i didn't like them as much as she did. Did you like them???

  3. @Kiri, I'm not exactly sure what it will look like in the end... I may end up with a permanent link on the side to this post... Who knows? but Becca's idea is awesome! I'll be sure to look more closely at her book posts.

    @Amy, I just read the first book. And yes! Ineke did lend it to me. I did like the cultural aspect of the book that demonstrated the differences between Americans and the British. British culture can be fascinating! (Maybe that's part of the reason I like Jane Austen so much) However, there were aspects of the book of which I did not approve. For instance: Savvy was not always honest and up front with her parents. And I didn't appreciate the way in which Savvy would relate to God. She would "feel warm." I don't see that in the Bible.

    At the same time, I'm glad that I read it. Keeping up with what is written for teens is a good exercise for someone who wants to have children someday. But, we must always read with discernment, right?

  4. Hey Laura! I really like your new blog. :) I read the Asking for Trouble series too, and I also really loved all of the references to British culture!
    But I know what you mean about 'feeling warm'. I think I remember that at one point her mother tells her to remember not to rely on her feelings about God but on the truth, but I'm not sure. Anyway, that made me feel a little better about it. I would love it if you did a book review about it. I love discussing books. :) ~Emily
