Thursday, August 11, 2011

VBS: Part 1

It's that time of year again. Vacation Bible School! Wahoo! And the theme for this year...
Joseph: A Type of Christ.
Singing "His Banner Over Me is Love"
Dee opens VBS with singing...
The kids listen, sing, and answer questions...
Atti & Noah
And wait for the "Living Art."
Karl, and several others, act out Joseph's life.
And who could forget crafts?
And recreation?
More to come? The carnival, etc. :O)


  1. I'm so glad everything went well for you! I think your "old fashioned" VBS's are so nice. The modern VBS's that I've seen are less Bible centered and revolve around DVD curriculums instead of the adults of the church taking the time to teach. It's sad.
