Friday, February 3, 2012

Middle Earth Mind

I'm not sure whether I'm in the thralls of nostalgia or if it's The Hobbit movie coming out this December, but I have Middle Earth on the brain. I've been listening to The Hobbit audio book (Highly recommended! By-the-way.) For the the third time, I made Hobbit soup to enjoy with my family. Tasty and themed! And, I added the ring to my ensemble today. Whatever the reason for my "Middle Earth mind", I'm getting really excited for the movie. Re-reading The Hobbit for the fourth time this fall will be quite a treat!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm planning to reread it, too. You wanna do it at the same time? I think Kiri and I are going to read it together, so we could do it all 3 of us! :o)
